msi no 1 gaming laptop وارد الخارج لم يستعمل في مصر

لابتوبات مستعمل معروض للبيع
12000 LE

تاريخ الإعلان 2024/06/19



This is a detailed system summary for a laptop with the following specifications:

- **Operating System**: Microsoft Windows 10 Home (Version 10.0. 19045, Build 19045)
- **System Manufacturer**: Micro-Star International Co. , Ltd. (MSI)
- **System Model**: GP72 2QD
- **System Type**: x64-based PC
- **Processor**: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4210H [redacted email address] (Dual-core, 4 threads)
- **Installed RAM**: 16.0 GB
- **BIOS**: American Megatrends Inc. , Version E1793IMS. 10D, dated 2015-09-23
- **BIOS Mode**: UEFI
- **Secure Boot State**: Off
- **Boot Device**: \Device\HarddiskVolume6
- **Virtual Memory**: Total - 18.6 GB, Available - 13.6 GB
- **Page File**: C:\pagefile. sys (Size: 2.88 GB)
- **Kernel DMA Protection**: Off
- **Virtualization-based Security**: Not enabled

Additional notes include:
- **System Directory**: C:\WINDOWS\system32
- **Locale**: United States
- **Time Zone**: Atlantic Daylight Time
- **Platform Role**: Mobile
- **Baseboard Manufacturer**: Micro-Star International Co. , Ltd. (MSI)
- **BaseBoard Product**: MS-1793

This laptop appears to be designed for general use with moderate performance requirements, suitable for everyday tasks and light gaming. The presence of 16 GB of RAM and a dual-core processor indicates it can handle multitasking efficiently but may struggle with more demanding applications and modern gaming titles.


User Bassem
User Bassem
3 اعلان نشط
مستخدم غير مسجل


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