Adam Audio T7V Active Studio Monitor Speaker - سماعات ستوديو ادم 7 انش

الات موسيقيه جديد معروض للبيع
27000 LE

تاريخ الإعلان 2024/06/26



The T7V is a two-way studio monitor designed for vertical use in a nearfield application. The T7V features a 7” woofer that provides bass extension down to 39 Hz, while the U-ART tweeter’s diaphragm provides pristine and extended high-frequency response up to 25 kHz – virtually unheard of in monitors in this price range. The U-ART tweeter is fitted to a precision waveguide with the same dispersion-control attributes as the High Frequency Propagation (HPS) waveguide used in ADAM Audio’s flagship S Series studio monitors. The waveguide’s highly uniform dispersion of high frequencies provides an incredibly wide sweet spot that frees you from being glued to a rigid mix position while working.


شبرا الخيمة
معاذ جمال - Moaz Gamal
معاذ جمال - Moaz Gamal
4 اعلان نشط
مستخدم غير مسجل


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